Privacy Policy

Informativa Privacy ai sensi dell’art. 13 GDPR

“Spagnol Cucine, Living&Bathrooms S.r.l.” with registered office in Vidor (TV), via Paludotti n. 2, 31020, is the Data Controller for all personal data provided while browsing the site or the site e (il “Sito”). (the “Site”). In this Policy we will also refer to you as “Data Subject”, i.e. person to whom the collected personal data refer. If you have any doubts about the use of your data or if you wish to exercise your legal rights, you can write to:, or per certified e-mail to:

Which data does “SPAGNOL CUCINE, LIVING&BATHROOMS S.r.l.” process?1
How are your data processed?1
Are data shared with other subjects?2
Which are my rights as Data Subject?3
Where are my data stored?3
How will I be informed of any changes to this Policy?3

Which data does “Spagnol Cucine, Living&Bathrooms S.r.l.” process?

The following personal data are collected through the Site:
– Browsing data

The Site’s systems collect certain personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected in order to be associated with you, but by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow you to be identified.

Among these are:

  • IP address;
  • URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources;
  • the time and date of interaction with the Site;
  • the type of operating system, browser used, screen resolution and other technical information about the device being used.

How are your data processed?

Personal data are processed by informatic and/or telematic means, with organizational methods and logics strictly related to the purposes listed below.

Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, unlawful or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

For all occasions when the Data Controller processes your data, there is a legal basis that legitimizes the processing.

Sometimes your consent is required to process personal data. Other times, when the law allows it and subject to the respect of your fundamental rights, the Data Controller is not obliged to ask for your consent to process the data. This is the case when the data is processed for a legal obligation or following your request, which you have made by contacting the Data Controller and/or requesting certain services.

Providing data whose legal basis is consent is always optional, while in other cases failure to provide data may make it impossible to reply to your request or fulfil a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is bound.

At the end of the retention period, the personal data collected will be irreversibly deleted or anonymized.




Data you have communicated us by contacting us at the addresses indicated on the site.

1) to answer your requests.
6.1.b GDPR – Contract or pre-contractual measures
6.1.c GDPR – Legal obligation

Retention period

For the time required to answer to your requests. Where necessary, for the time required to comply with legal obligations or for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim.
Browsing data
1) managing the Site and its navigation by the user;
2) evaluating how the user uses the Site;
3) to properly maintain the Site in compliance with applicable legal obligations;
4) ascertain and prosecute any unlawful conduct committed to the detriment of the Data Controller or of the users.

6.1.b GDPR – Contract or pre-contractual measures

Retention period

Six months.
Where necessary, for the time required to fulfil legal obligations or for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim or for the order of a public authority.

Data collected by cookies

1) in the case of technical cookies, to enable certain sections of the Site to function properly;

6.1.b GDPR – Contract or pre-contractual measures

Retention period

Until the end of each session For more information, read the Cookie Policy.

Are data shared with other subjects?

The personal data provided will not be disseminated, i.e. they will not be disclosed to unspecified subjects.

However, the data may be communicated to subjects defined by the Data Controller for the purposes indicated, appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors by the Data Controller.

By way of example but not limited to, the following may have access to the data:

  • those authorized by us to process the data, who have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate legal obligation of confidentiality;
  • those involved in the maintenance of the Site and our legal or tax consultants, in their capacity as Data Controllers or autonomous Data Processors;
  • public authorities, where required by law or at their request.

The updated list of Data Processors can always be requested from the Data Controller writing per e-mail to:, or PEC to:

The Site incorporates links to social network accounts of the Data Controller, in order to allow easy access to content disseminated through them. These are merely links to social networks’ platforms and no data is communicated to these platforms through the Site. Cookies can only be activated, if so provided by the external site, when you click on the relevant icons. Please note that if you navigate while logged into the social network or other providers’ sites, then you have already consented to the use of cookies conveyed through this Site. The collection and use of information obtained from third party social networks are governed by their privacy policies, which we ask you to refer to.

Which are my rights as Data Subject?

We will always ensure you control over your personal data.

In particular, you have the right to:

  • request information about your personal data processed by the Data Controller and request a copy of them in a structured, readable format;
  • not to be subjected to automated decisions, if you do not consent to them;
  • ask the Data Controller to correct any data relating to you that is incorrect, to delete it or to use it only for certain purposes;
  • withdraw any consent given.

Please note, however, that in certain limited cases we will not be able to fulfil your requests, such as in the event that we are prohibited from doing so by law or by order of an Authority.

The aforementioned rights may be exercised by written communication to be sent by e-mail to the address of the Data Controller.

In any case, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali) if you believe that the processing of your personal data is contrary to current legislation.

Where are my data stored?

Your data will only be processed within the European Economic Area.
It is possible that some of our suppliers, in their capacity as Data Processors, also store data in third countries, which, however, guarantee an adequate level of protection of the rights of the Data Subject by virtue of compliance with the “EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework” and/or by virtue of compliance with one or more of the conditions set forth in art. 45-47 of the GDPR.
The data collected through third-party cookies may be transferred to third countries in accordance with the Cookie Policy of the site
and/or the Cookie Policy of the site
and the privacy policies of third parties.

How will I be informed of any changes to this Policy?

The Data Controller will update this Policy when it considers it necessary. If there are substantial changes, in particular with respect to the purposes for which we use your personal data, we will notify you by e-mail, to the address you may have provided, or by means of a notice on the Site.